
Ongil.ai helps enterprises make data driven decisions under
uncertainty and in situations with limited data

Data Points processed everyday

10 millions

We serve customers across

13 countries

Launch data analytics project in

95% less time

AI for decision making for disruptive growth

Ongil's vision is to be the insights provider of choice for large and medium enterprises. Enterprises face the biggest challenge when there is a shift in market conditions. In today's context that is exactly when AI for business decisions fail.

At Ongil, we help organisations precisely when they need the support of AI for effective decision making. We help enterprises make data driven decisions under uncertainty and in situations with limited data. The fact that, we support enterprises during inflection point puts them on path for disruptive growth.

Decisions, not data

Our mission is to support enterprises in operational, tactical and strategic decision making that yield tangible benefits. Implementation of AI in enterprises is hard. We fully embrace the fact and our platform is built to succeed in this reality. 80% of data science implementations in large enterprises fail and our systems are built not to be part of the group.

Philosophy of technology

"Business First" is Ongil's mantra. The company's data science and engineering is centred around the principle of value creation for our customers. We despise becoming a KPI booster in the businesses' reports on digital transformation. Our algorithms are built to provide probabilities of our predictions rather than being obstinately wrong without taking business uncertainties into account.


Ongil’s core strength is its people.The Data Science team comprises of researchers from diverse fields including theoretical physics, computational neuroscience, computational aeroacoustics and Image processing. They bring deep expertise in mathematical modelling and simulation of large scale datasets. The engineering team specializes in mining the world wide web for fine-grained commerce data powered by scalable and fault- tolerant computing environment.

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